Entries by Angela Chee

33 Reflection, Celebration, and New Year Vision

“What do you want more of in 2021?” – Angela Chee With the new year fast approaching, the energy has already shifted — can you feel it? Happy almost New Year to you! It has been a year filled with challenges, but I hope also one filled with growth.  As we mark the end of the year, it’s important to reflect and also to celebrate, before moving forward. In this […]

32 The Mask of Success

“The journey to fulfillment is often different than the journey to achievement.” – Angela Chee How are we going to sustain wrapping up the end of the year and moving forward into the new year with a vision? As the tumultuous year of 2020 comes to a close, the big topic on my mind is mental health. Mental health for my clients, for my community, and for the world. And […]

31 How To Shift Your Limiting Beliefs And Reduce Stress In Our New Virtual World

“Virtual can be just as powerful and connected — and can even give you more ways to be creative.” – Angela Chee What are you grateful for? It is the week after Thanksgiving here in the United States. With everything that is happening around us, it can sometimes be all too easy to forget just how much there is to be grateful for.  I am grateful for you as a […]

30 Trusting The Power Of You

“True leaders bring out the best of you. It’s not about the best of them.” – Angela Chee How do we know if we are stuck in a false narrative? The recent election has highlighted the ongoing division in the United States. We need to understand how we got here, what motivates people, and why we keep repeating the same patterns. Even more importantly, how do we move forward with […]

29 The Power Of Media Literacy – An Inside Look At How The Media Works and How To Be A Critical Thinker and Creator

“Knowing who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to show up in the world is really important and that starts with understanding what’s going on in the world and the impact you have in sharing  it.” – Angela Chee Did you know that it’s media literacy week here in the United States? Our media literacy is a vital skill we all need.  We need to be […]

28 Can Your Greatest Strength Also Be Your Obstacle?

“I believe in order to break through your internal barriers, first we need to be aware of what they are — making the unconscious conscious.” – Angela Chee But what happens when your strengths also become your greatest obstacles? Finding the balance between the two is where our power lies. October is a busy month for events for me.  Most companies have adjusted to the virtual world and are really […]

27 Google Executive Ginny Clarke — Fifth Dimensional Leadership and The Power of Self-Awareness and Consciousness

“We want you to be fully integrated and to love yourselves and know yourselves because that holistic view of an individual, I often refer to that as a talent mindset of an organization and of leaders and that’s the thing that’s going to take our entire civilization to the next level. We can’t think of companies as being separate.” – Ginny Clarke Our world is evolving. How are we going […]

25 The Power Of Women, Global Innovation and Legacy with Global Speaker Jennifer Iannolo

“I thought about women in the world and what that meant to me and what kind of a legacy did I want to create and I realized that there are women in countries that are not supposed to be succeeding. Everything is stacked against them and yet they are creating the most magnificent projects and initiatives and I thought what would it be like to put them all together in […]