Gina Gomez on The Power of the Only with Angela Chee“What makes us different, can also make us stronger, even extraordinary!” – Gina Gomez

We need to harness the power of the only more than ever, as all of us are navigating change in the world, in our lives and our businesses. 

Some of you are still busy putting out fires, others may feel a bit stuck and some are looking at this time as an opportunity to create something new and do things differently.  It’s important to honor what stage you are in and maybe it fluctuates between all of them depending on the day.

Today’s episode features Gina Gomez,  a business strategist and advisor who works with some of the most well-known professionals and public figures in the entertainment and personal development industries.

She has a certificate in Diversity & Inclusion from Cornell University. Has been published in Forbes, featured on Hay House Radio, Prevention, and many more.  She is also a mentor for Marie Forleo’s B-School and has become a prominent voice and go-to facilitator in the field of Diversity & Inclusion.  She just created a visionary leaders roadmap- a plan for navigating change, but in today’s conversation which we had a month ago before all this change….we talked about how being different can also make us stronger.

We also talk about what The Power Of The Only means and how it can empower you, why diversity and representation matters, how to facilitate difficult conversations to create a culture and environment where everyone can thrive and more.

Also go behind the scenes of our adventures at the Wrap Women’s Power Women Summit featuring the most influential women in media and entertainment, and hear the story Eva Longoria shared about being “The Only ” and  what our childhood Halloween costumes had to with diversity and our identities.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And be sure to leave me a Rating and Review!

The Power of The Only on Apple Podcasts

“I think that you absolutely have to lead by example.” – Gina Gomez

Show Notes:

  • What does The Power of the Only mean
  • How to create a bridge between different views/cultures/experiences
  • Why people feel unheard and how to shift it
  • How to navigate difficult conversations and create a win for both sides
  • How to discover where are you accountable
  • What are the current trends in diversity and inclusion that are creating more opportunities and creating better companies
  • The importance of representation
  • How being fully you can create positive change in others and the world

“If I’m not the only one who experiences all of these things, there’s power in us all feeling like we’re the only one.” – Gina Gomez

3 Pieces of Advice or Action Steps:

  1. You’ve got to believe in yourself
  2. If there’s something that you want to create, take an action towards it
  3. When you achieve your dream, help someone else achieve theirs

“When we see that diversity also brings us together, that’s powerful.” – Gina Gomez

Brand and Resource Mentions:

Connect with Gina:

LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Gina Gomez

Thanks for being a part of this bold and powerful conversation on The Power of The Only!

Whether you feel like the only one in your company, industry or community or the only woman in the room, we’re here to support you in stepping up, speaking up through power, presence and representation and to make an impact in your personal and professional life.

Want even more insider tips, resources and training  to help you own your voice and power and step into your leadership.

Click here to access to The Power Of The Only Principles and Vision and Clarity Worksheet.

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To you and your voice,


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