Tony Chatman on The Power of the Only with Angela Chee“It’s not that we don’t recognize that it’s not always fair, it’s that we’ve determined that we’re not going to let anyone else dictate our future.” – Tony Chatman

What can we, as “onlys”, do to ensure that we are seen as trailblazers rather than tokens?

We can’t control how others view us. We do, however, have control over how we view ourselves, how we show up, and how we own our voice and power. That is why I started this podcast. I believe there is power in being the only — and so does Tony Chatman. Tony is keynote speaker, corporate relationship expert, and author who has worked with organizations and government agencies from the US Secret Service and Chase Bank to NASA. As only the second African American to ever graduate from his university with a degree in Chemical Engineering, he shares his journey from engineering to non-profit and professional speaking and how he stepped into his “Only”.

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The Power of The Only on Apple Podcasts

“As The Only, you start to realize: here’s who I am, here’s who I’m made to be, and here’s the gift that I can contribute to the world.” – Tony Chatman

On today’s show, we discuss why it’s not always about fitting in or getting access, but rather, it’s about creating your own opportunities and knowing you belong there. We explore why it’s important to take a seat at the table and how to know if taking that seat will actually create positive change.

We talk about codeswitching and how it can be an asset, why it’s time to be uncomfortable, and why these uncomfortable conversations must start with us.

“There was a day my wife and I looked at each other and were like, ‘there is no cavalry.’ It’s just us.” – Tony Chatman

Show Notes:

  • How to avoid being seen as a token
  • How to be excellent at your craft
  • How to be a trailblazer rather than a token
  • How you can set an example at work
  • Ways you can make space for yourself in the workplace
  • How codeswitching can be an asset
  • How to create real change in yourself and organizations
  • Tony’s Book-The Force Multiplier: How To Lead Teams Where Everyone Wins

“At every social event I was totally isolated from other black people and it was just the world that I was in.” – Tony Chatman

3 Pieces of Advice or Action Steps:

  1. Figure out your voice
  2. Surround yourself with people who are likeminded
  3. Influence everyone else

“There’s not a lot of chairs and the table for The Only, and so we have to take that chair when we can, and once we’re in that chair you can’t just get my face you get my voice.” Tony Chatman

Connect with Tony Chatman:

Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | Tony Chatman

Thanks for being a part of this bold and powerful conversation on The Power of The Only!

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Whether you feel like the only one in your company, industry or community or the only woman in the room, we’re here to support you in stepping up, speaking up through power, presence and representation and to make an impact in your personal and professional life.

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To you and your voice,


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