Tag Archive for: pandemic

65 The Power of Joy and Pain

“Sunshine comes after the rain, right? But what if the key to our peace, success and true fulfillment isn’t waiting for the pain to pass (the rain) to feel joy (sunshine), but our ability to navigate both — and at the same time?” – Angela Chee How do we feel it all when we are feeling so much? I have been thinking a lot about the power of joy and […]

28 Can Your Greatest Strength Also Be Your Obstacle?

“I believe in order to break through your internal barriers, first we need to be aware of what they are — making the unconscious conscious.” – Angela Chee But what happens when your strengths also become your greatest obstacles? Finding the balance between the two is where our power lies. October is a busy month for events for me.  Most companies have adjusted to the virtual world and are really […]

24 How To Thrive In Polarizing Times: 3 Things You Need To Know

“Remember to engage with intention and decline with wisdom.” – Jenny Fenig Amidst a global pandemic and in the face of so much uncertainty and societal change, how can we thrive in these polarizing times? If you’re anything like me, you have a lot of your mind right now – and on top of all that, there are so many distractions at the moment. You’re not alone. All of us […]