How To Discover Your Power And Amplify It
0 Comments/in Inspiration, Videos/by Angela CheeYou already have everything you need 2 shine, you just have 2 discover ur power and amplify it! Click To Tweet This was one of my key messages for a gym filled with young girls at The Live Well Project this weekend, but this is a something we all need to hear sometimes, even me. When I was little I always believed there was more inside me, a bigger calling […]
How To Break Through Your Barriers!
0 Comments/in Inspiration/by Angela CheeWhat holds you back? In life? In your business? I just got back from speaking at an Executive Women’s Conference and this is just one of the things I explore in my keynote-“Breaking Through Barriers, Building A Legacy”. And even if you’re not a an executive woman there are a few takeaways that may help you discover and breakthrough your barriers. I’ve always been a Type A overachiever. So I […]
The Power of Publicity For Good
2 Comments/in Inspiration, PR Tips/by Angela CheeMy mission is to help visionary entrepreneurs and leaders like you share your message. Not only to help grow your business and brand, but to help inspire and impact the world. There is power in publicity, media and video and when I see it’s impact, it moves me, especially when it’s for good. Operation Refugee Child Last week my kids put together donation boxes for Operation Refugee Child. An organization […]